User Codes

Main Dashboard > Admin > User Codes

Many of the dropdown menus you see contain a selection of User Codes in the system. These User Codes are only visible within the dropdown if you have personally generated them. By creating user codes for specific objects or groups, you can find the available options in the dropdown to meet your specific needs.

The user Code Welcome screen allows you to manage and track user codes, add new ones, search for specific codes using the Code Type dropdown, and perform necessary actions like editing or deleting codes directly from the grid.

Here are some user codes that outline the type of drop-downs in TEAMS

Gender – the options in the dropdown are standardised (hard coded) and you can’t add to them.

Marketing Source – the options in this dropdown can be customised using this screen.

Account Manager – when you set up Account Managers in the system, they will be listed in the list in this dropdown.

You can select +User Code button to add the new user code to the system.

Click on the edit icon  in the listing screen to edit user code. Click on the delete icon to delete a user code.