TPS Report Data Columns

The generated report will contain a table with several columns and their corresponding explanations. This table provides a summary of the data or information presented in the report in a structured and organized manner. Each column is labeled with a title that describes the type of information contained within it.

TPS Calendar YearThe year selected to generate the report
CRICOS Provider CodeThe system will show this code from the Campus Entry Screen
Institution NameThis comes from the campus entry screen
InstitutionTradingNameThis again comes from the campus entry screen. If the CRICOS provider code, Institution name/Trading name is blank on the campus entry screen.
Kindly add them. If you are unsure of what to enter there, kindly check
Campus CodePopulates the code setup for the campus on the Academics > Campus entry screen
Campus NamePopulates the name of the campus
Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS
Visa TypeThis column displays the visa type associated with each enrolment.
Complete NameStudent (First name )(Middle name)( Last name)
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by TEAMS
CRICOS Program CodeThis is the CRICOS code for the program and will be populated from the Academics > Program entry screen
Program Descriptive CodeThe descriptive code of the program is saved on the program entry screen
Program Descriptive NameThe descriptive name of the program is saved on the program entry screen.
Study WeeksThis column show the number of study weeks allocated for each enrolment.
Enrolment TypeIt will show the application type saved for the enrolment on the Edit Enrolment Detail screen
Enrolment OutcomeIt will show the enrolment outcome saved for the enrolment at the Edit Enrolment Detail screen
This column shows the number of study weeks allocated for each enrolment.It will show the current status of the enrolment. For example – Started, Not Started, Finished, and Cancelled.
Enrolment DatesStart date and End date of the enrolment
Enrolment Duration WeeksThis will be the total weeks of the enrolment which includes total study weeks, total academic holiday weeks, and the student personal holiday weeks.
For example, If enrolment has study weeks = 40, academic holiday weeks = 12, and student personal holiday weeks = 2. Then the total enrolment duration will be 40+12+2=54 weeks
Enrolment Duration DaysThe system will show the total of study days, academic holidays, and student personal holidays.
Total Tuition to payThis is the total invoiced amount of the Tuition Fee for enrolment
Overall Total PaidThis is the total receipted amount of the Tuition Fee for enrolment
Daily Payment AmountThe total tuition to be paid is divided by the total enrolment duration in days.
Total No. of Days PaidTotal receipted divided by the daily payment amount
Total Paid for TPS Calendar YearTotal receipts within the TPS calendar year for the enrolment
ESOS LengthDuration of the enrolment within the TPS calendar year
ESOS DaysDuration of the enrolment within the TPS calendar year in days
ESOS AmountDaily Payment Amount * ESOS days