Student Performance Report Data Columns

The table below shows the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the generated report.

Student NoStudent Number generated by TEAMS.
Enrolment NoEnrolment Number generated by TEAMS
Student NameStudent (First name)(Middle name)(Last name).
CampusThe system will show you the campus linked to the enrolment.
ProgramProgram Name under which the student is enrolled.
Start DateStart date of the enrolment.
End DateEnd date of the enrolment.
TimetableTimetable linked to the enrolment.
Number of Successful ResultsThe number of successful results for the subjects.
Number of Unsuccessful/Not Yet Achieved ResultsThe number of Unsuccessful/Not Yet Achieved results for the subjects.
Results Completed RatioThe ratio of the result completed by the student.
Completed PercentageThe Percentage of the result completed by the student.
Study Weeks CompletedSeveral study weeks were completed by the student.
Total Study WeeksTotal study weeks.
Duration Percentage RatioPercentage Ratio of the duration
NationalityNationality of the student.
Enrolment OutcomeEnrolment outcome selected on the Edit Enrolment Details screen
Purchasing ContractA number of study weeks were completed by the student.
Is Avetmiss?It will show Yes or No if the enrolment is Excluded from AVETMISS from the student Dasboard
Exclude from AVETMISSIt will show Yes or No if the enrolment is Excluded from AVETMISS from the Enrolment Dashboard.
OverseasThis column will print Yes if the student is overseas and No if the student is not from overseas.
VisaTypeStudent Visa Type.
Local AddressThe full local address of the student.
Mailing AddressThe full mailing address of the student.
Account ManagerAccount Manager of the student.
Total OwingThis is the total balance owing for the student’s enrolment.
Total OverdueThis is the total overdue invoice for the student’s enrolment.