Agent Pending Payment

Marketing Menu > Agent Dashboard > Agent Pending Payment

Pending payments for an agent refer to commissions or fees accrued by the institution but not yet disbursed to the agent. These payments are typically based on completed enrolments or milestone achievements specified in the agent’s agreement. The following outlines the process for effectively managing and reviewing pending payments for agents.

Note: If you are seeing the Commission Payment screen instead of the Pending Payment Welcome screen, it may be because the system setting for this feature is not enabled for your site. The Pending Payment Welcome screen is designed to display pending payment batches that have not yet been paid or approved.

On the Pending Payment Welcome screen, you can manage agents’ pending payments. To add a new payment entry, click the + New Payment button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Upon clicking the Pending Payment icon, you’ll be directed to the Agent Pending Payment Step 2 screen, which offers a comprehensive view and management options for handling pending agent commission payments.

This screen is organized into three main sections:

1. Agent Profile Tile – This area displays key information about the agent, including their name, type, contact details and commission rate.

2. Filters and Parameters – Use this section to filter invoices based on various parameters, making it easy to locate specific invoices. After setting your criteria, click the Apply button to load the filtered list of pending invoices in the grid.

3. Listing Grid – This section provides a detailed list of payments, with columns that include agent invoice date and number, agent number, invoice date, student number and name, enrolment number, campus, and program, start and end dates, status, student invoice and receipt amounts, agent invoice amount, commission to be paid, commission paid, the balance of commission due and the overall balance.