How to Customise Report Template in TEAMS

Admin > Report Template


We have five Word reports that you can customize in TEAMS:

  • Offer Letters
  • Academic Docs: These are used to customize certificates, transcripts, records of results, completion letters, statements of attainments, etc. that you wish to print for the students.
  • Invoices: This report template is used to customize the student invoices.
  • Payments: This is used for the refunds and receipts templates.

How to download the Master Template of any Report in TEAMS

  • Type the 3 initial letters of the report in the search bar and the system will show you all report templates starting with those initials. Select the one you need
  • Once you select it, the screen will refresh and show you the customized offers in the grid.
  • If you need to customize any new offer letter, you need to click the download icon beside the report name. This will download the Master version of the offer letter template, which will let you customize the offer letter for your RTO.

Steps to customize the report template in TEAMS

When you download any master template, it will show you some basic information about the template at the start and the different sections that we have in every word report. You will find two categories of merge fields:

  • Individual Merge Fields
  • Table Merge Fields

Individual Merge Fields

Anything in the curly brackets in the template is a merge field. If you want to populate a student number or student name in your customized report, then you need to copy and paste this merge field into your custom template so that every time you generate any report, it will populate the student number automatically for you. That’s how the merge fields work for the students, enrolments, agents, and employers.

This table has basic information about the student like name, DOB, gender, and so on. If you want the system to print this data, copy all the individual merge fields related to the fields, and to do so, you can simply copy the merge field from the master template and paste it. You can also edit the text format (font and size) of the merge fields according to your preferences.

IMPORTANT - If you are copying any merge field from the master template then you must copy it including the curly brackets. if you simply copy the text then the system will not print any data in your customised template.


Let’s say the student is enrolled into a program and you want to print the application number, Program descriptive name, and application dates, you need to find a table with all the required merge field columns and simply copy the whole table and paste it into the template that you are customizing. You can delete any columns you do not need in your custom template.

How to use table merge fields in the report

  • If you don’t want the default first column of the table or you want to adjust the first column position, you can cut the «TableStart: CourseDetail» merge field and paste it before the merge field of the column that you wanted to be first in the table. Then you can delete or adjust that first column in your table.
  • The same rule applies to the last columns as well. For Example, In this table, the amount is the last column and you don’t want the table to print the total amount in your custom template and you want the due date to be the last column in this table. In that case, you need to copy the merge field that is «TableEnd: CourseDetail» and paste it into the due date column after the due date table merge field.
IMPORTANT - Always remember whenever adding tables in your custom template, kindly check there are always table start and table end merge fields present in the first and last column of the table respectively.

Also, we have group tables in the master templates that will print the merge fields along with the data in the grid for the table. For example, the course details table, application no, course name, and course dates are merge fields and under this, you will see the grid having columns Instalment date, Study Period, Start Date, End Date, etc.

You need to select the whole group table from this merge field and paste it into your custom template. You can adjust or delete the other table columns along with their merge fields but the «BeginGroup: CourseDetails» and «EndGroup: CourseDetails» merge fields should never be deleted or adjusted in the custom template.

Once all the editing is done, save the document with the name of the offer letter in Word document format i.e., docx extension into your system and upload the custom template in the Report Template screen.