There can be times when you need to edit your student data. To do so, you must open a student in the Student dashboard by searching for the student’s name from the search bar. These screens will allow you to add/edit the information about the student. You can find these screens under:
Applicant Dashboard > Applicant Profile Tile > Edit Applicant Screen
Student Dashboard > Student Profile Tile > Edit Student Screen
Fields and their Explanation
Column | Explanation |
Campus | It is a drop-down field, where you can select a campus for students. You can also select all as an option if the student has enrolled in different campuses. |
Student Number | It is a system-generated field. |
USI Number | This is a Unique Student Identifier number and is a read-only field. |
Title | It is a user code field, we can help you add more titles if needed. |
First Name | You can add the first name of the student here. |
Middle Name | You can add the Middle name of the student here. |
Surname | You can add the Surname or last name of the student here. |
English Name | You can add the English name of the student here. |
Gender | It is a drop-down field, where you can select the specific gender of the student. |
Date of Birth | This field shows a calendar where you can select the date of birth of the student. |
Local Student | You can select this option if the student is a local resident of the country where he/she is studying. |
Overseas Student | This is for international students. If the student is studying in the same country, then select “onshore,” but if the student is studying from a different country, then please select “offshore.” |
Nationality | Nationality of the student. |
Country | Country of the student. |
Marketing Source | This is a user code field, you can select the options from the drop-down. If you need to set up any other options, kindly contact support. |
Mobile Number | You can add the mobile number of the student in this field. |
Work Number | Add the work contact number of the student. |
Phone number | Phone number of the student. |
Skype ID | You can add the student’s Skype ID here. |
Primary Email Address | This email address will be used for all communications with the student. |
Secondary Email Address | Add the secondary email address of the student |
Additional Email Address | You can add another email address here |
Send Emails to all available addresses | If this tick box is ticked, the system will send emails to all other email addresses too including the primary email addresses i.e. secondary email addresses and additional email addresses. |
Unsubscribe | By ticking this tick box, you can unsubscribe from all the marketing emails. That means the student will not receive any marketing emails. |
Special Needs | It is a system-generated field where login details of the student portal or Moodle will be populated. |
AVETMISS | If you are going to report this student to the government and the student is studying in any VET course, kindly tick this tick box. This is very important for compliance. |
Has VSN No | You can update the Victorian Student No in this field. |
Level of Student | You can select the level of the student if he/she is studying an ELICOS course. |
School | You can select the student’s current or previous school from the drop-down list. If the school is not listed, you may manually add it. |
Student Occupation | You can update the occupation of the student here. |
Login | It is a system-generated field where the password for the student portal or Moodle will be populated. |
Current password | Student numbers given to a student other than system-generated student numbers should be added in this field. |
Score | Here You can update the English test score of the student. |
Would you like to book homestay accommodation? | You can select if students want to book accommodation (with or without meals) from the college. |
Duration | You can update the duration of the stay for a student. |
Would you like to book our airport pick-up services? | If the student wants to book airport pick-up services, you can select this option. |
Do you require us to arrange Overseas Student Health Cover for you? | If the student wants to arrange Overseas Student Health Cover, you can select this option. |
Alternate Student number | Student numbers given to a student other than system-generated student numbers should be added in this field. |