Contact Log

Contact logs are like notes for an RTO. TEAMS allows you to create contact logs for students, employers, and agents. You will see this option on all the listing screens and in the communication tile. You can either create a contact log in Bulk by using the listing screens or you can make it individually for a student or agent by using the communication tile on different dashboards that we have such applicant/student dashboard, application/enrolment dashboard, agent dashboard, etc. No matter what screen you choose to create the contact log/s in, the steps to use this functionality are the same everywhere. This post will explain how you can use the “Create Contact Log” option.

  • Select the Create Contact Log option.
  • This will open a popup window.
  • Update the contact date. This is the date when you are entering the contact log and this is a mandatory field that cannot be left blank. You can enter a date that was in the past or even a future date.
  • The User Name field is automatically loaded by the system. This is the user’s login name who is currently entering the contact log and this is also a mandatory field that cannot be left blank.
  • Select your Log type. This is to identify what kind of notes you are going to create. This is a user code and you can create User Code as a log type as required, such as Late Fees, Financial support due to COVID, etc.
  • If you wish to view the contact log that you are going to create in the student portal at student or enrolment level , then select the tick box.
  • Type your notes in the Notes section.
  • If you are entering the notes for a specific subject, then select that subject from the Subject dropdown. The Subject dropdown field is used to record where an applicant/student has applied for RPLs, Credit Transfers and you wish to track what subjects they have applied for. Also, at the enrolment level you could use it for Course Progress monitoring etc.
  • Click on the Save button to save the contact log.