Agent Performance Report Data Columns

The table below shows the columns and their explanation that will get printed in the report.

Agent NameThis column will show you the agent names
Account Managerit will show you Account managers linked to the agent
Student NoStudent numbers linked to the agent
Student NameStudent names linked to the agent
NationalityNationality of the student
Student StatusThis column will display the status of the student whether the enrolment is started, pending, finished or not yet started
CampusCampus name under which the student is enrolled
Enrolment DateThis column will display the processed date of the enrolment
Enrolment NoEnrolment number generated by the system
Application NoThe application number generated by the system 
CRICOS CodeCRICOS code entered updated on the program entry screen
ProgramProgram name under which the applicant/student is enrolled
Total WeeksThe total number of weeks of the program
Study WeeksThe total number of study weeks of the program
Start DateEnrolment Start Date
End DateEnrolment End Date
Tuition ReceiptedThe total receipted tuition fee will display under this column
Gross TuitionGross tuition amount of the student/applicant under this column
Agent CommissionThe total Agent commission amount will display under this column
Total Commission PaidThe total commission that has been already paid to the agent
Total Commission BalanceThe total balance of the Agent commission
Commission DueThe total due amount of the Agent commission
Discount notesDiscount notes for the agent
CountryThe country of the agent updated on the Agent screen
Agent RegionThe region of the agent
Agent IDThe agent ID generated by the system
Phone NoAgent’s phone number
Mobile NoAgent’s mobile number
Fax NoAgent’s fax number
Email AddressAgent’s email address
Web AddressAgent’s web address
Local AddressAgent’s local address
Mailing AddressAgent’s mailing address
Average – rowAdded the average row for the Agent in the group-wise section which will show the average count of the total weeks and study weeks
Total WeeksAdded the total of study weeks at the bottom of the report.