Cancelled invoice Report Filters

The General Filters tab on the Cancelled Invoice Report screen provides a list of filters that can be used to refine the data displayed in the report.

Below is a table that shows the filters and their explanations: Using these filters, you can customize the report to show only the information relevant to your needs, making it easier to analyse and take action based on the report data.

General FiltersExplanations
Report Start DateSelect the report start date from the calendar icon.
Report End DateSelect the report end date from the calendar icon.
CampusChoose a specific or multiple campus, if you are submitting the report for more than one campus within your RTO.
Course NameThe title of the course in which a student is enrolled.
TimetablesThe schedule or timings for classes associated with a course or student group.
Enrolment StatusThe current status of a student’s enrolment (e.g., Active, Completed, not yet started)
Visa TypeThe visa type held by the student (e.g., Student Visa, Work Visa, Visitor Visa).
Agent NameThe name of the agent or agency assisting with the student’s enrolment.
Group ByPlease see TEAMS Basics