Compliance > AVETMISS Dashboard > AVETMISS Subject

The Subject AVETMISS Tile to identify and correct essential data fields for accurate VET reporting. The tile helps track missing or incorrect data, enabling you to make updates efficiently. It includes a calendar feature that allows you to adjust the year or date range, ensuring you can focus on the specific timeframe where corrections are needed.

Before moving further, select the Year from the Calendar for which you want to fix the AVETMISS errors.

Descriptive Code Missing:This error indicates that some subject codes are missing descriptive codes, which should match those on the training.gov.au site. Click on the total count to access the Subject Descriptive Code screen, and update the details through the Subject Entry screen.
Descriptive Name Missing:Shows subjects that lack descriptive names. Click on the count to view the Subject Descriptive Name Errors List, and add the necessary names by accessing the Subject Entry screen.
Nominal Hours Missing:Nominal hours must be set for each subject. To update, click the subject code, go to AVETMISS Settings via the burger menu, and enter the hours. You can also correct multiple errors by selecting checkboxes and updating them in bulk.
Field of Education Missing:Navigate to the Subject Entry screen or use the checkboxes to choose the appropriate field from the dropdown. Save your changes by clicking Update.
Funding Source National Missing:Similar to the Field of Education issue, this can be resolved by selecting the correct funding source from a dropdown menu or by making updates directly in the Subject Entry screen.
Predominant Delivery Mode Missing:For subjects missing delivery mode information, select checkboxes for multiple subjects, enter the delivery mode percentage, and click Update. The system will display the first initial of the selected mode (e.g., ‘I’ for Internal). You can also download a CSV file for reference using the download icon. By following these steps, you can ensure that all required AVETMISS fields are completed correctly, helping maintain compliance with VET reporting standards.