Marketing > Agent Dashboard > Applications Tile
Application Tile
- Click on the calendar to change the date range of the application tile.
- Click on the “+” icon to create a new application.
- Click on the application icon located in the center of the tile to navigate to the agent application listing screen.
In the Applications Tile, we show all the pending applications linked to the Agent. You can convert, decline, and perform other actions to the applications from this listing screen.
This screen is divided into two sections:
1) Filters/Parameters
2) Listing Grids
To open this screen, you would have selected the Applications Tile link from the Agent Dashboard. Based on the date range you have selected on the Application Tile, the system will open the screen and populate the information in this section. For example, it will show you the start and end dates that were used in the tile. You can add a New Application with this agent by selecting the +Application button.
Select here to learn more about the filters/parameters.
Listing Grid
A CSV icon in the top right corner of the grid helps to download the data in a CSV format.
In this grid, we are displaying the list of all pending applications. We are showing the Applications Processed Date, App No, Student Name, Campus, Program, Start Date, End Date, Intake, Application Type, Marketing Source, Agent, Account Manager, Status, and Actions columns. All of these columns are self-explanatory.
Select here to Know about the icons under the Actions column and Burger Menu
How to Select Applications
Use tick boxes to select applications if you wish to send email/SMS, create a contact log, print letters, and start enrolments in bulk. After selecting the students, pick the option from the burger menu, and you are one step away from finishing your heap of work in one go.
Or if you wish to select all students at once, use the tick box present right beside the Processed Date column.
There are some icons available on the screen and under the details and action columns – Click here to learn more about how to use these icons.
On the top of the screen, there is Burger Menu Click here to learn more about how to use the burger menu.