Subject Entry Screen

Academics > Subjects Entry

The Subject Entry Screen allows users to input, edit, and review essential information about a subject to ensure accurate data management and seamless integration. This screen provides several fields where users can enter and edit subject-specific information. Completing all the required fields is crucial for ensuring the data is comprehensive and accurate.

Each field serves a specific purpose, such as the subject code, subject name, subject descriptive code, subject descriptive Name, and subject prerequisites.

A burger menu icon is present in the right-hand corner of the screen while editing a Subjects. When you select the burger menu, you can see different options, Click on the   icon to get further details.

Fields and their Explanation:

Subject CodeThis code serves as a unique identifier for the subject and is used to differentiate it from other subjects.
To ensure accuracy, it is recommended to search for the subject code from the website, which is a database of nationally recognised training and qualifications in Australia. This is a mandatory field.
Subject Descriptive CodeYou can add Subject Descriptive Code in this field.
Subject NameThe subject Name serves as a unique identifier for the subject and is used to differentiate it from other subjects.
To ensure accuracy, it is recommended to search for the subject code from the website, which is a database of nationally recognised training and qualifications in Australia. This is a mandatory field.
Subject Descriptive NameUnit of Competency (UoC)—Nationally Accredited – is the smallest component of a Training Package that can be assessed and recognised. It gives a description of the skills and knowledge required to perform effectively to a specific standard in a particular workplace role or function. For this subject type automatically AQTF result will be visible when you mark the result.

Subject—Other—By choosing this particular option, you will gain the ability to access an additional field known as Result Type for the subject labeled as other. This option provides an opportunity to further refine and specify the type of results you are seeking for the given subject and there will be further 3 types of result (Competency, Descriptive, Grading) and all of there 3 entires are user code in TEAMS.

For IELTS and you can use the Grading result type and for other subjects that are not availabe on the site you can choose descriptive based result type or competency based results and you can further map these results with the AQTF result type from user code screen. 
Subject Currently Active?When adding or editing a subject, there is an option to select a box indicating whether you want to make the subject currently active.
Note: You won’t be able to link subject to the program if the subject is inactive.
Subject links to all campusesThere may be an option to select a box indicating whether you want to make the subject available for all campuses.
This means that the subject can be studied at any campus location where it is offered.
CampusWhen adding or editing a subject, there is an option to select a box indicating whether you want to make the subject currently active.
Note: You won’t be able to link the subject to the program if the subject is inactive.
Type of SubjectIn this field, you can enter the total number of weeks that a particular subject is taught.
Result TypeThis dropdown will show you three different results Competency Based, Descriptive Based and Grading based.
Credit PointIn this field, you can enter the credit point value for the given subject. This value represents the number of credits that the subject is worth in a particular academic program.
Taught over study daysYou can enter the total number of days that you have studied or will study a particular subject
Taught over study weeksHigher Ed FEE-HELP
VET Student Loans (VSL)This tick box is used to indicate whether the subject is eligible for VSL (VET Student Loans) or FEE-HELP. VSL FEE-HELP is an Australian government loan program that helps eligible students pay for their education-related expenses.
Higher Ed FEE-HELPThis tick box is used to indicate whether the subject is eligible for FEE-HELP (Higher Education Loan Program) financial assistance.
NeitherThis tick box is used to indicate that the subject is not eligible for FEE-HELP availability.