Historical Enrolments

Student Dashboard > Historical Enrolments Tile


This tile will show you all the historical enrolments of the students along with the basic details of the enrolments. It will show you all the past enrolments whose end date is less than today’s date.

IMPORTANT: It is not necessary that you will be seeing all the icons above the bar. It will show you only 5 historical enrolments. However, if you want to see more than 5 historical enrolments you need to scroll down to see more Historical Enrolment of the tile.

Select to know more about the Icons

Select to know more about the Burger Menu

Know about the Historical Enrolments tile:

  • In Student Dashboard when you go to enrolment tile and click on enrolment then historical tab this tile will show you all the details of student historical enrolments.
  • In details from you can see all the details of student enrolment and start and finish date of enrolment.
  • In details table Modules (Completed / Total) are also mention which show how many modules are completed out of total number of module by student also in the right Progress bar show the progress percentage of student in enrolment.
  • The start dates and end dates of enrolment which will be visible for each enrolment listed in the historical enrolment tile. According to the week, the system will calculate the enrolment completed percentage which is showing 100% for the enrolment and also according to the count of successfully completed subjects. The system will show you the completed subjects for example 3 subjects are completed out of a total of 9 subjects.
  • You can also check InvoicedPaidBalance and Commission in this tab.
  • If a student has more than 5 active/current/upcoming enrolments then only 5 enrolments will be visible on the “Historical Enrolments” rest of the enrolments will be hidden you just need to scroll on that table to see the rest enrolment.
  • Also, you will be able to see a burger menu on this tile so that you can easily send SMS, email, print offer letter and edit enrolment dates.

If the enrolment is flagged as started but not finished, then it will show you the Arrived. modules X of Y.

If the enrolment is not flagged as started then the system will show you the status as Not Started.

If the enrolment is flagged as started and finished, then the system will show you the status as Finish

To send SMS, email, print offer letter and edit enrolment you just need to select that specific enrolment while click on tick-box appear in details table in left then click on burger menu icon   on top right of the tab and just choose the features you want to choose apply for example if you want to send SMS after clicking on burger menu just click on Send an SMS.