Student Progress Matrix Report Data Columns

The table provided contains a list of columns and their respective explanations that will be included in the generated report.

Student NumberThis is the system-generated student number.
This is the complete student’s name (First name, Middle name, and Last name)This is the complete student’s name (First name, Middle name and Last name)
Enrolment NumberThis is the system-generated enrolment number.
Enrolment Start DateThis is the start date of the enrolment.
Enrolment End DateThis is the end date of the enrolment.
Enrolment OutcomeThis column will show you the enrolment outcome such as in progress, Cancelled etc which is updated on the Edit Enrolment Details screen
EmployerIt will display the legal employer’s name.
List of SubjectsIt will display all the subjects’ names linked with the program and the system will display the outcome codes in the cells. 

NOTE – If the enrolment is cancelled then the system will display a can in each cell and if the subject is deleted from the enrolment then it will show the NA in the cell.
The cell will be blank if no result is updated on the Training Plan and Result screen for that subject.
This column will show you the enrolment outcome such as in progress, Cancelled, etc which is updated on the Edit Enrolment Details screenThis column will indicate the score achieved by the student in that specific unit