Class Roll Report Filters

Student > Class Roll

The Class Roll Report Filters screen contains a General Filters tab, and the table below outlines the filters available in this tab, along with their explanations:

General FiltersExplanations
Week Starting DateSelect the week-starting date from the calendar
Campus Namechoose the specific campus from the drop-down
TimetablesAfter selecting a campus, the timetable drop-down will display the timetables based on the selected campus.
Students to includeThis field will show you two radio buttons: All Students and Only Started Students and you can select them as required
Sort by 1Please see TEAMS Basics
Asc/DescPlease see TEAMS Basics

Click on the Print icon to generate the report. The system will direct you to the Report Dashboard screen, where you can view the report status (whether it has been generated or not). Once the report is generated, Download the report.