Payments Received Listing Tile Screen

Finance Financial Dashboard > Payment Received Tile > Payment Received Listing Screen


The Payment Received Listing Screen gives you information regarding the amounts of money received from students as receipts. From this screen, you can easily track and verify the payments made by students, ensuring accurate and up-to-date financial records.

This screen is divided into two sections.

  • Filters – You can apply the filters or parameters to search for the specific students or payments by entering the start and end dates, campus and program from the dropdown.
    You can even sort your list in ascending or descending order.
  •  Listing Grid – The Payment Received listing grid will show you the list of students according to the selected parameters. This screen has columns like Student Number and Student Name, Enrolment Number, Enrolment Type, Campus, Program, Intake or dates, Enrolment Status, and Agent details. Additionally,it displays the receipt number and receipt date.
Note – There is a Page Limit drop-down below the filter’s sections, which will allow you to specify the number of students you want to view on a single page

Click here to know about the Icons under the Actions column and Burger Menu

How to select students and perform various functions in bulk?

The burger menu on the top right corner of the screen allows you to perform various functions in bulk.

To do this you have to select the checkbox before the student number and choose a specific option from the burger menu.

You can send an Email and SMS, create a contact log, print letters and generate bulk invoices.