Subject – Assessments

Subjects > Subject Entry > Subject Burger Menu > Assessments

The Subject Assessment screen allows you to view only the assessments you have added or created for the subject. To link or create an assessment, navigate to the Assessment screen under the Academic menu.

Fields and their Explanation:

Object TypeFrom the dropdown menu, you can select the object type.
Select SubjectIt is a magic search field, where you can select a particular subject.
Assessment CodeHere you can write assessment code.
Assessment NameHere you can write the assessment name.
Assessment DescriptionHere you can write an assessment description.
Sequence No.Here you can write the sequence number of the assessment.
Allow Multiple DocumentsTick this box if you want to mark grades for an assessment.
Allow GradingTick this box if you want to mark grades for an assessment.
Allow ResubmissionTick this box if you want to allow an assessment to be resubmitted.
ActiveTick this box to make an assessment active.