Class listing screen

Result and Progress Tile > Class listing screen >Training Plan and Results icon

To manage class allocation for student enrolments, navigate to the Training Plan and Result screen through the Enrolment Dashboard by selecting the Results tile. The screen is divided into three sections: Academic Information, Current Timetable and Student Progress, and Qualification Information.

In the Current Timetable and Student Progress section, click the icon to open the Class Listing Screen. Here, you can edit class details, check attendance records, send emails or SMS messages to students, and delete unnecessary classes.

To add or create a new class, click the + Class button to open the Class Allocation Screen. Review existing allocations and enter dates in the Allocate Starting from and Until fields to search for available classes. Select the desired classes and click Next.

Finally, review your selected classes and click Finish to confirm the allocation. If you wish to make changes, click the Back button to return and adjust your selections. The system will not finalize the enrolment allocation until you click Finish. For further assistance, you can review the video.